Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives

Jennifer Halford Caliola Engineering

Jennifer Halford

Chief Executive Officer

Caliola Engineering

Location: Colorado Springs

Founded: 2019

Industry: Technology - Secure Communications

Being a CEO can be lonely work, said Jennifer Halford. As a two-time Titan 100, she has embraced the program. “The collaboration with peer CEOs has been so energizing for me,” said Halford. “I learn from and am inspired by my peers, and I look forward to continued collaboration and partnerships that strengthen the Colorado business community.”

As the CEO of Caliola Engineering, Halford knows that successful leadership traits are critical, and she has utilized strategic thinking, accountability, inspiration and motivation to lead the company through rapid growth over the past four years.

Caliola Engineering is an aerospace and defense company that provides trusted solutions for mission-critical communications. A woman-owned small business, Caliola provides innovative technical solutions and services for secure and resilient communications with expertise in nuclear command, control, and communication; military satellite communications; modernized high-frequency communications; automated SATCOM planning; non-traditional cybersecurity architectures; and assured position, navigation and timing.

Caliola Engineering achieved rapid growth for a startup, scaling from four to 46 employees in less than four years, demonstrating year-on-year revenue growth of 68%. In May 2023, the company was selected as one of eleven companies to share the $150 million of Congress-appropriated funding for the OUSD Accelerate the Procurement and Fielding of Innovative Technology program. The firm has received $5.25 million to transition its software-defined radio technology into U.S. Navy aircraft.

“The trust that OUSD and the Navy have put in my team is humbling and motivating,” said Halford. “This was without a doubt the biggest win in my company’s history.”

Since she was named a Titan 100 last year, Halford said she has worked to find the right structure for the organization to ensure accountability and that the right people are in the right seats. “The most successful CEO leadership attributes that I consider critical include the ability to inspire and motivate all employees in their approach to work while keeping the company core values in focus,” she said. “As a leader, I also strive to build a culture of accountability throughout all levels of the organization.”

Halford makes herself accountable by giving back to others to better the Colorado community. She serves as an industry advisor to the UCCS Department of Computer Science, sponsors a senior project in the UCCS Department of Electrical Engineering, and has personally committed $10,000 per year over the next three years to the Colorado Chamber & EDC’s Titan Capital Campaign.

“I see mentoring others as critical to recruiting and retaining talent in Colorado Springs,” said Halford. “I cannot build a successful business here if I cannot staff it.”

Did you know?

My superpower is being a systems thinker with the ability to see 3-5 steps ahead into the long-term impacts of a decision. Systems thinking involves making sense of the complexity of the world around me by looking at it in terms of wholes and relationships rather than by splitting it down into its parts. This includes the ability to see the potential problems in something and bring the team together to mitigate risk.


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