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Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives
Jeff Lipson - Layer 8 Security

Jeffrey Lipson

Chief Executive Officer

Layer 8 Security

Location: Malvern, PA

Founded: 2015

Industry: Cybersecurity

Jeff Lipson lives by the mantra that “leaders eat last.” This is evident in how he bootstrapped Layer 8 Security, a cybersecurity firm, and in its early days, did not use outside funding, did not take a salary and covered payroll funds when necessary.

“Whenever sacrifice was needed, I did so, and whenever there was a little extra to go around, I ensured my teammates with the most need received it,” said Lipson. “My team knows there are no limits to what I would do to support them, and this loyalty is reciprocated.”

Embracing innovation and change in a dynamic industry, Lipson has established a firm that has grown and found success. Under Lipson’s leadership, Layer 8 Security’s innovative solutions have garnered recognition and awards, including from the Philadelphia Business Journal, and PHL Inno’s Fire Awards for the launch of the Medical Aegis platform. The platform, developed by Layer 8 Security, offers smart medical device cyber-risk management and provides analysis, tracking, mitigation and reporting on medical device risks before they reach the market.

“I am proud of our journey as a company, from our roots as a humble startup, to being recognized as a leader in cybersecurity,” said Lipson, a Titan 100 Hall of Fame inductee. “My team’s growth is a great source of pride for me and I also want to have an impact with our customers – to know that our work with them made them successful in their careers and lives.”

While leadership is never easy, being an executive in adverse times sets those who lead through them, apart, said Lipson. “My secret superpower is the ability to endure hardship, while never showing anger or despair,” he said. “Instead, by projecting confidence and courage, the faith my team has in me, doesn’t waiver.”

His goal and vision for Layer 8 Security is to make the world a better and safer place. This is evident in how the team cares for its clients. This included an instance where the security team discovered credentials exposed in a public Github repository and prevented a major breach for a multi-billion-dollar firm as well as work with a university client with an application for a significant grant to develop a workforce of the future.

“Knowing that we helped a generation of young people to become the next group to be science and technology leaders in our country is very fulfilling and an immense source of pride,” said Lipson.

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What is your superpower?

Thomas Paine wrote of ‘Summer soldiers and Sunshine patriots.’ While leadership is never easy, being an executive in adverse times sets those who lead through them, apart. My secret superpower is the ability to endure hardship, while never showing anger or despair. Instead, by projecting confidence and courage, the faith my team has in me, doesn’t waiver. Being an entrepreneur is hard, especially when you bootstrap your business. There were times early in our tenure, that we were breathes away from insolvency. Despite how dire the circumstances, I would show the team strength, and we would find a way to succeed. To quote Rocky, “It’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.”


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