Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives

Ryan Mortland Usa Cyber

Ryan Mortland

Chief Executive Officer

USA Cyber

Location: St. Louis, MO

Founded: 1999

Industry: Technology Services

For Ryan Mortland, his biggest takeaway as a leader has been the power of thinking big and embracing risks. “I’ve learned to envision a larger future, not just for myself, but for my team and the services we offer,” he said. “By starting with the end goal in mind, I’ve pushed the boundaries of what we can achieve.”

As the CEO of USA Cyber, Mortland’s career has been about pushing boundaries to better serve his team and clients. USA Cyber is a technology and cyber security services provider that serves small to medium size organizations. The company designs, protects and supports the technology that powers its partners to grow and succeed.

In the past year since Mortland was named a 2023 Titan 100, he said he has aimed for substantial growth, thinking 10 times bigger. A key move was joining forces with a top-notch cybersecurity and compliance company. “This merger strengthens our abilities and ensures we stay ahead in the rapidly changing digital landscape,” said Mortland. “This deliberate decision was rooted in a meticulous planning process, where we identified the synergies between our organizations and how combining forces could lead to the creation of a larger, more comprehensive entity.”

Under Mortland’s leadership, the firm has also broadened its service offerings and reach by entering new markets and forming strategic partnerships. “This journey has not only 10xed our business, but it has been a catalyst for my personal growth as a leader,” he said. “Through this process, I review how it will impact my family, my personal time and key relationships outside of work.”

As a titan of industry, Mortland said his commitment to growth involves a multifaceted approach. “Mentorship has played a crucial role in my professional journey, providing invaluable insights and guidance,” he said. “Collaborating with industry peers fosters a collective learning environment, enabling me to glean insights from different perspectives and stay ahead of market dynamics.”

Mortland has also served as a mentor for budding entrepreneurs. “The act of giving back through mentorship becomes a reciprocal process, where I share insights and expertise while continually receiving a positive boost,” he said. “This dynamic interaction is a driving force, emphasizing the significance of my role in fostering the next generation of titans.”

With continued success in the community, industry and as a leader, Mortland has been named a second-year Titan 100.

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“I’ve learned to envision a larger future, not just for myself, but for my team and the services we offer.”


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